Dec 31, 2018
Modern medicine sees the heart merely as an organ for pumping the blood through the body.
My guest on this episode Dr. Thomas Cowan believes that the heart has a much bigger role for our organism. How does he come to this conclusion? What does it mean for the understanding of the heart and us humans?
In this episode...
Dec 29, 2018
Modern medicine sees the heart merely as an organ for pumping the blood through the body.
My guest on this episode Dr. Thomas Cowan believes that the heart has a much bigger role for our organism. How does he come to this conclusion? What does it mean for the understanding of the heart and us humans?
In this episode...
Dec 28, 2018
Modern medicine sees the heart merely as an organ for pumping the blood through the body.
My guest on this episode Dr. Thomas Cowan believes that the heart has a much bigger role for our organism. How does he come to this conclusion? What does it mean for the understanding of the heart and us humans?
In this episode...
Dec 27, 2018
Du willst entgiften, aber Du weißt nicht wie? Hol Dir jetzt meinen Entgiftungsratgeber:
Rudolf Steiner hat uns darauf immer wieder hingewiesen. Das menschliche Herz ist keine Pumpe und es ist fundamental dies zu verstehen.
Ich bin zum ersten Mal über den Autor Wilfried Hacheney...
Dec 18, 2018
Water, color and light are key elements to what we call life. Great human beings have been reflecting upon these topics from the ancient Greeks to Viktor Schauberger, Goethe and others - yet modern science seems to have lost interest in what surrounds us and what gives us life.
My guest is not only an exception but...